Are you looking for information relating to hiring a 4WD Campervan to get out into the outback and visit some of Australia's ever-changing landscapes?
Below is the information you need to know before travelling.
Remote Area Travel Information
Travelling in the remote outback can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. It can also be very hazardous at times with challenging terrain, extreme weather conditions and isolation from services. Visitors must be well-prepared and equipped to cope with unexpected delays and emergency situations.

Remember, you are responsible for your own safety
Where you Can and Cannot Travel
The ultimate reason to hire a 4WD Campervan is the ability to drive on unsealed roads, off the beaten track, however, you must remember that under no circumstance are you permitted to drive the vehicle away from gazetted roads (i.e. not listed on a map or maintained by council) such as cross-country, on bush tracks or on most beaches.
Prohibited Areas
The roads in Australia that you are strictly not permitted to travel on are -

- The Canning Stock Route (WA)
- Lost City in Litchfield Park (NT)
- Gunbarrel Highway (NT, QLD)
- Old Telegraph Road section of the road to Cape York (QLD)
- Boggy Hole in Finke Gorge National Park (NT)
- Old South Road from Maryvale to Finke (NT)
- The last 2kms of the Lennard River Gorge Road (WA)
- Cape York between the months of December to May (QLD)
Permission Required
The following remote or island areas are permitted to be accessed by a 4WD Campervan with the permission of the Campervan Company at the time of pick up, as these roads are subject to become impassable during extreme weather conditions or your journey includes travelling on a ferry. You will be updated on the current road conditions at this time for your own safety. All Campervan Companies reserve the right at its sole discretion to restrict vehicle movements in certain areas due to adverse road or weather conditions.

- Any Island, e.g., Fraser Island (QLD), Kangaroo Island (SA)
- Tasmania (TAS)
- Simpson Desert (NT, QLD, SA)
- Cape York - North of Daintree (QLD)
- Oodnadatta Track (SA)
- Birdsville Track (QLD, SA)
- Tanami Track (NT, WA)
- Gibb River Road (NT, WA)
- Kalumburu Road (WA)
- Warburton Road (WA)
- Strzelecki Track (QLD, SA)
- Cape Leveque (WA)
- Bungle Bungles (WA)
- Plenty Highway (NT, QLD)
- Finke Road (NT)
- Central Arnhem Road (NT)
- Arnhem Land in General (NT)
- Burke Development Road from Chillagoe to Normanton (QLD)
- Savannah Way from Normanton to Borrola (QLD)
- Any other remote areas
Maps Detailing Restricted Areas
Click on the below maps to enlarge.
If at any time you are unsure whether you are permitted to travel to an area with or without permission it is best to ask rather than taking a risk.
Remember, these restrictions are for your own safety
Plan, Prepare and be Safe
A generous amount of time should be spent planning your 4WD holiday and where you want to visit, how long it should take to reach your destination, and the amount of supplies you should take. Then you should prepare all the necessary equipment that will contribute to an enjoyable and safe journey. Below is a guide to step you through.
- Leave your itinerary with a responsible person. Arrange to make scheduled calls and have emergency plans in the event you do not reach the locations within designated times. Allow a reasonable time for minor delays.
- Obtain permission from landholders prior to travelling through private or Aboriginal Lands and be aware if there are any National Park entry fees.
- Travel with other vehicles or stay in contact with other travellers. In the event of a breakdown or accident, this may reduce the need to use expensive outside assistance.
When travelling to a remote location it is advisable to take about 3-4 day reserve of food and water in case of emergency.
Here is a list of items to consider for your journey. The 4WD campervan will be fitted out with some of the safety items.

- Water
- Food
- Fuel
- Communications Equipment
- Sun Protection
- Spare Tyre
- Tool Kit
- Recovery Equipment
- First Aid Kit
- Check Weather Forecasts and Current Road Conditions
Be Safe
At the depot when picking up your vehicle, check the clearance level and ensure you fully understand how to operate the 4WD transmission before you leave. While on the road, it is recommended to check your vehicle every morning including tyre pressure, fluid levels, windscreen and air filters. Look underneath for leaks and damage to cables and hoses and remove any dry vegetation that could catch fire.
When camping, avoid parking under trees that may drop branches and do not camp in creek beds or watercourses in case of flash flooding.
If your vehicle breaks down or is immovable -
- Stay calm
- Do not leave your vehicle
- Radio or phone for assistance if possible
- Conserve energy, remain in the shade
- Wait for assistance to arrive
- Collect firewood to burn with some green vegetation to produce a dark smoke, or flash a mirror to attract searchers if you hear a nearby plane or vehicle.
If you experience any problems at all contact the 24 hour Roadside Assistance.

Suggested Itineraries
Visit our itineraries page.
Still Need Help?
Phone: 1800 704 332 or +61 7 3442 2900
Email: Contact Us