Discovery Campervans Australia
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We are closed on 27th January due to the public holiday. We will be back open on 28th January

How Far Do You Want to Travel?

Distance Chart

Click here to download this chart
Alice Springs
Ayers Rock
Adelaide 1690 1658 2131 4036 2862 1210 3212 2803 745 2749 2285 1431 2525
Alice Springs 1690 440 3057 2346 2336 2753 1522 2501 2435 3767 2525 2929 2096
Ayers Rock 1658 440 3497 2786 2776 2721 1962 2941 2403 3735 2965 2897 2536
Brisbane 2131 3057 3497 4317 1841 1295 3493 1062 1736 4390 671 1027 1467
Broome 4036 2346 2786 4317 3754 5099 1963 3785 4781 2416 3799 4883 3380
Cairns 2862 2336 2776 1841 3754 3139 2796 779 3233 6016 1170 2868 374
Canberra 1210 2753 2721 1295 5099 3139 4229 2357 655 3812 1966 304 2765
Darwin 3212 1522 1962 3493 1963 2796 4229 2961 3957 4342 2985 4060 2556
Mackay 2803 2501 2941 1062 3785 779 2357 2961 2452 5452 391 2090 405
Melbourne 745 2435 2403 1736 4781 3233 655 3957 2452 3494 2057 893 2857
Perth 2749 3767 3735 4390 2416 6016 3812 4342 5252 3494 5061 3988 5728
Rockhampton 2258 2525 2965 671 3799 1170 1966 2985 391 2057 5061 1699 796
Sydney 1431 2929 2897 1027 4883 2868 304 4060 2090 893 3988 1699 2494
Townsville 2525 2096 2536 1467 3380 374 2765 2556 405 2857 5728 796 2494

Distances Shown in Kilometres

How Far to Travel in a Day

Remember that driver fatigue kills. If you are driving long distances it is recommended that you have more than one licensed driver and that you share the driving, giving each other a chance to rest. Obviously this isn't always possible, in which case stop for a snack or a coffee every two hours. Stop, Revive, Survive!

The amount you would like to cover in a day obviously varies according to the nature of your holiday. A tour around Tasmania requires you travel much shorter distances, but such is the vast nature of mainland Australia it is sometimes necessary to travel further distances.

Assume if you are on the open road in your campervan that you will be covering between 80 and 90 kilometres an hour, stops permitting. We would not recommend you travel more than 4 or 5 hours in a day. Any further and the drive just becomes a tedious chore, and you fail to acknowledge or appreciate the scenery you are driving through. An ideal distance is between 200 and 400 kilometres, as that way you cover a fair distance but not enough to tire you out.

Just play it safe with your driving and your holiday will be all the better for it!

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